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fractals presentation

a geometrical shape with the property of self-similarity

construction of a mathematical fractal - Koch's snowflake

Sierpinsky triangle

Sierpinsky (Menger) sponge

Mandelbrot set

natural fractals

fractals in nature 1

fractals in nature 2

fractals in nature 3

fractal graphics 1

fractal graphics 2

fractal graphics 3

fractal graphics 4

fractals in western mysticism 1

fractals in western mysticism 2

fractals in western mysticism 3

western mechanical science

fractals and chaos

fractals in holistic medicine 1

fractals in holistic medicine 2

fractals in holistic medicine 3

fractals in traditional cultures: africa

hindu time cycles

hindu temple architecture

Minakshi temple, Madurai

Halebid and Belur 1

Halebid and Belur 2

Channa temple, Konark

the cosmic fractal

author: yoav ben-dov

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