Yoav Ben-Dov

List of Publications

12 January 2000

A. Books

1) Invitation a la physique
Collection points - sciences, le Seuil, Paris 1995

First published in Hebrew as:
Physics - theories and concepts
MOD - broadcast university 1991

Portugese translation:
Jorge Zahar, Brasil 1997

Spanish translation:
Andres Bello, Santiago de Chile 1999

2) Quantum mechanics,reality and mystery
Dvir, Tel Aviv 1997 (Hebrew).
19 weeks on Haaretz bestseller list

In Preparation

3) Y. Ben-Dov, J. Roldan & H. Guerrero
Complementaridad -
fisica, ciencia y conocimiento
Edicion Luz - Fundaec, Cali, Colombia

4) Order, chaos and complexity
MOD - broadcast university

B. Refereed Articles

1) Bell`s version of the 'pilot wave' theory Fundamenta Scientiae 8, 331-343 (1987)

2) De Broglie`s causal interpretations of quantum mechanics
Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 14, 343-360 (1989)

3) Everett's theory and the 'many-worlds' interpretation
American Journal of Physics 58, 829-832 (1990)

4) An 'observer decomposition' for Everett's theory
Foundations of Physics Letters 3, 383-387 (1990)

5) Everett`s theory and the 'pilot wave'
Il Nuovo Cimento 105 B, 1255-1262 (1990)

6) The many-object pilot wave theory
Revista de Ciencias, No. 9, Julio 1993, 69-77

7) Hidden variables as configuration points
Il Nuovo Cimento 108 B, 931-939 (1993)

8) Why the dart always hits
The Physics Teacher 31, 526-528 (1993)

C. Chapters in Books

1) Humanistic studies - content and structure
Education towards the 21st Century
D. Chen (ed.)
Ramot, Tel Aviv University 1995, 209-220

2) Humanistic studies and the structure of knowledge
Planning education policy - position papers 1994
Y. Danilov (ed.)
Ministry of Education - Pedagogical Council, 1996, 17-42.

3) M. Medav, Y. Kirsch and Y. Ben-Dov
Coexistence of 'didactic' and 'scientific' models in physics and science teaching
Theory and practice in mathematics, science and technology education
R. Stavy and D. Tirosh (eds.)
Ramot - School of Education
Tel Aviv University 1998, 195-206

republished in:
Tehuda 20, No. 2
Science teaching department, Weizmann Institute of Science, October 1999, 17-24

D. Conference Proceedings

1) No-collapse versions of quantum mechanics
The Measurement Problem of Quantum Theory
M. Cini and J.-M. Levy-Leblond (Eds.)
Adam Hilger, Bristol 1990, 140-150

2) Time: static, dynamic and creative
Of Origins of the World in Science and Theology
B.P. Branski et al. (Eds.)
Petropolis, St.-Petersburg 1993, 351-353

3) De Broglie's conception of the wave-particle duality
La decouverte de la matiere
Institut de France - Academie des Sciences
Paris 1994, 115-122

4) Local realism and the crucial experiment
Frontiers of Fundamental Physics
F. Selleri (ed.)
Plenum Publications, London 1994, 571-574.

5) Science and the human: complementarity as reconciliation
Einstein Meets Magritte, the Yellow Book - Worldviews
D. Aerts (ed.)
Kluwer academic publications, 1999, 205-215

6) Information space: culture, society and technology
Computer Applications in Archaeology
N. Messika, N. Lalkin and J. Breman (eds.)
Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University, 1999, 4-5 (abstract)

to appear

7) Comment on M. Dascal's 'Technology and learning: prospects and pitfalls'
Knowledge, learning and containment: summary of group discussion
Pedagogocal technology and educational systems: guiding vision for the 21st century
The center for futurism in education
Ben-Gurion University, 1999.

E. Book reviews

1) D. Gooding, T. Pinch and S. Schaffer (eds.)
The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 13, 273-274 (1991)

2) M. Bitbol and O. Darrigol (eds.)
Erwin Schroedinger, Philosophy and the Birth of Quantum Mechanics
Revue d'histoire des sciences, 1995 XLVIII/3, 370-371

F. Other publications

Numerous articles in professional, semi-popular and popular press and publications, including (in Hebrew):

1) Heat Death, the Birth of Life
in: Postscripts, "end" representations in contemporary Israeli art
Tel Aviv University Art Gallery,
May 1992, 73-76 (Hebrew), 115-118 (English)

Republished in:
Galileo, No. 9, Mar-Apr 1995, 14-19

2) Assimilation of physical sciences at high school
Studies in technology 17, May 1992, 28-33

originally published in
Davar - Masa literary section, October 1991

3) Science and the human: enemies no more?
Galileo 12, Sep-Oct 1995
article and interviews with:
Ilya Prigogine
Chris Langton  (hebrew)  (english)

4) Scientific method and alternative medicine
Chaiim Acherim 4, Jan 1997

5) Quanta, worlds and consciousness
Galileo 14, Jan-Feb 1996
2nd prize in popular science articles contest
Ministry of Science, Feb 1997

6) Quantum theory, between language and reality
Galileo 27, Mar-Apr 1998

7) India - a philosophical journey
a series of 7 articles, Chaiim Acherim, 1997-98

8) Trance culture in Israel: aspects and contexts
Makom le-Machshava 2, November 1998, 26-32

originally submitted as:
expert opinion report to the Israel High Court of Justice
appeal 5535/98

9) Fractals and Indian culture
Masa Acher 91, April 1999, 32-46

10) Articles in NewZeek - electronic music culture:

Towards a new drug policy?
#5, August 1999, 58-59

Scaring the users: why drug education fails
#6, October 1999, 58-59

Voodoo, trance and drums
#7, December 1999, 46-47

11) Concepts of time - from the mechanical clock to the age of computing
Zmanim 68-69, autumn 1999 - winter 2000, 132-144

G. Other Media

1) Preparation of scripts, guidance and hosting:
Life on the screen - computers and the internet
TV series of 13 encounters
Ascola, Educational TV, 1996

2) Web site: www.bendov.info
Captain Internet site of the week, Jun 23, 1998